
I do my best thinking while driving. I drive a Fiat Panda.

B is for Busy… also for ‘I’m Back!’

Part 4: 2018  

Some years ago, I started this blog initially to record family events, so there would be a record of some of life’s significant moments, especially considering how fast children grow up. And so here is the fourth  part of my catch-up, dedicated to my family, especially my beloved children, Liam and Matthew.

With love

Your mum


[Editor’s note: Not all details of the year are included but it gives us all a good snapshot, especially of some of the key moments]


Introduction: A quick scene-setting paragraph for Liam and Matthew

We waved goodbye to 2017 and began 2018 with a trip to the South Coast, Kwa-Zulu Natal, with a really enjoyable stay in Scottburgh. It was wonderful to have a seaside holiday again; it had been a while.

Having spent many childhood holidays in Scottburgh myself, as well as camping trips with your dad before you both came along, I always remember this little seaside town very fondly. It has a fantastic bay for swimming in, and for families in general to enjoy.

In 2018, my beloved boys, you were in Grade 7, Liam, and your last year of primary school (12 turning 13 in April), and Matthew, you were in Grade 5 (10 turning 11 in August).

As a Grade 7 child, and now in the senior class, Liam, you were finally wearing the coveted blazer, trousers (‘long pants!’) and shirt with tie, rather than the more casual and practical uniform of all the younger children. May I just say that neither one of you was interested in posing for this photo here on the first day of school!

Your dad was working at the SABC, and I was settling into my second year of working from home, which had me becoming more entrenched in the worlds of engineering and IT clients, with our exhibition client also adding significant variety. In the photo below I am checking out some spy glasses at a security show we were involved in. It was super-interesting: James Bond-style gadgetry in real life. The mind boggles…

Life as a mom who was working from home continued to be a pleasant mixture of at-home time (luckily I’m usually quite disciplined) with just enough client meetings to make me tug on my corporate outfits from time to time.

As far as  the animals were concerned, we began 2018 with darling Sasha, Nickelback and Lucy in our midst, together with the kitties: Sisha and Feisty, our two tabbies, and Mischief, the panther-in-disguise (in her mind) but also known (perhaps a little unkindly) as The Fat One to the Hoo-mins.

Lucy our Rough Collie was to turn one around April 2018 (and she decided at around the same time that she was now the Alpha dog in training). Poor Nickelback. He never stood a chance at being Number One, did he?! He is just usually far too polite and obliging.

In one of her favourite places – catching the breeze in front, at the top of the stairs where it’s cool and shady
Top Dog in Training. Having a long nose to look down is helpful.

Feisty was starting to become a Tame Tiger and was getting much less skittish. For some reason, the more you two boys grew taller, the more she trusted you and allowed you to cuddle her. She was extremely wary of you both when you were still small – she did not understand Hoo-mins in miniature sizing. Here she is posing with some treasured soft toys, pretending to be an ornament.

Anyway my boys, without further ado: read on for the story of 2018.


Highlights from 2018:


Life’s a beach… for a short happy while, life was a tale of sun, sea and sand, interspersed with time-out back at our welcoming holiday flat, pleasant outings up and down the coast, great food and drinks, and a little spot of sunburn, which we soothed with aloe vera gel and black tea – and TLC. Isn’t it lucky that mom drinks tea as her preferred beverage over coffee? You can’t soothe sunburn with coffee grounds!

The children take a break from playing in the waves with yummy potato sticks

The pleasant view from our flat
Morning tea
Over to the right (looking further south) is the main beach – walking distance actually, with the Cutty Sark Hotel along the way
Matthew is deep into his drawing phase here
Frank and I went back to an old favourite local seafood supplier for some really great prawns! Here, Liam (for once smiling and showing a brief glimpse of his braces) is learning from dad how to prep them.
Some time-out at the Blue Marlin – Matthew is taking a re-fuelling break from the trampoline; Liam is still busy on it.
Still at the Blue Marlin – Frank is growing his hair out and you can see it blowing in the strong breeze!
Me at the Blue Marlin – same breeze blowing my earrings while supping a civilised early evening glass of dry white wine
Oh dear – sunburn strikes. Black tea + aloe vera-infused wetwipes + TLC is required for Matthew
Sunburn strikes twice – same remedy as above for Liam, but this time with a comic book added in
All good things must come to an end: the long trip home!

And so we returned home, and settled into the work and school routines after a great holiday.


Liam sat the De La Salle entrance exam, and passed with flying colours. His future high school – at a good school with great values and an excellent academic record – was now assured, much to his parents’ relief. Here he is on the day of the tests and interview, feeling nervous but looking polished. (He’s into his second year of braces, though, so no smiling.) His whereabouts in Grade 8 in 2019 was now one less thing to worry about.


Frank is normally camera-shy so let me post a photo of him here in my parents’ garden while the opportunity presents itself:

Frank. Coffee. The swing that my dad built for his grandchildren

Similarly, I don’t always take photos of my mom very often, so let me post this lovely photo of her with her friend Mavis, Liam and Matthew, at the end of mass one evening.

Here are some photos of the boys reading – I’m posting them because it makes my heart happy! Of course, it all begins with a parent setting a good example…

Just back from the library – I think we have enough books now
Matthew reading on the top bunk
Liam looking quite grown-up!
Having their breakfast – including food for the mind – before school

Liam’s birthday – April

On 28 April 2018, Liam turned 13, and as he was beginning to feel confident on a skateboard…

…it was his fervent heart’s desire to receive an awesome bespoke skateboard from Alpha Longboards, Cape Town.

This was achieved with much secrecy and downlight telling of lies on the part of both his parents, thanks to his dad’s efforts during a work trip to the Mother City a few weeks before.

It really is an awesome board!

Now everyone in the family has a skateboard except mom…

Poor mom. It really is a boys’ house these days.

But that’s okay, I have my bike.

Click here to link to a cute video, courtesy Frank


In May we spent a happy day at the annual De La Salle highland gathering. It was nice knowing that this would be Liam’s high school the following year.

I used to do highland dancing when I was in primary school and I do love pipe bands. I basically sat down on the grass and listened to them for almost the entire afternoon – I hardly moved from my spot! My kind family members brought me food and beverages where I sat peacefully listening. I can truthfully say that it was food for my soul. I was born in Scotland, after all.

This is called a front-row seat! I am also super-chuffed to think that this is going to be Liam’s high school from 2019.

Also in May, work took me once again to the 2018 A-OSH EXPO event at Gallagher Convention Centre for three days: a premier occupational health and safety trade event organised by our client, Specialised Exhibitions Montgomery.

I do like writing the articles before, during and after this annual event. There are always such interesting things to experience and the content from the presentations is world-class.

June: my birthday month

In June, I had a significant birthday and I can only say that I was spoiled far and wide by family and friends, for about two weeks in total! Thank you, everyone! It truly was memorable.

My birthday began with a sneak preview at the Westcliff a short while before the actual date, thanks to the renowned generosity of Mike and Jane, who were visiting from England. It was a wonderful spoil!

(With really grateful thanks here to Frank, for keeping the home fires burning so I could enjoy some first-class luxury and a wonderful time-out.)

It tasted as good as it looked!
Enter the VAJJMW gang. Not many vowels, but we forged ahead nonetheless.

Champagne at sunset with a world-class view
Anne and Viv on the balcony with morning tea
Two of the most generous people one could be lucky enough to call friends – Jane and Michael

On my actual birthday, which was on a Thursday that year, I was again truly grateful for the two best gifts I’ve ever received: my children.

I took the day off work and began it with a lie-in, which itself is a gift on a weekday morning when one is normally roaring around on the school run and/or getting ready for work!

If there was ever an Olympics event for sleeping in, Matthew and I would both be strong medal contenders

When it’s cold outside (it is winter after all), it is best to stay in bed for as long as possible. Matthew fully endorses this philosophy. He came to say happy birthday, and stayed for a while.

Not a morning person, really…

Liam is very good and mature at getting ready in the mornings. Much more than his mother (even on a normal day!).

Thank you, Lorna, from across the miles!  Rocky inspects (at my mum’s house

At the movies with all my boys, big and small, for my family birthday event.

Going to see The Incredibles 2 was enormous fun and I am a big fan of Elastigirl.

She, too, is a working mom who juggles home and career and quite literally stretches herself in all directions – teehee…

Liam here is aged 13 and Matthew is almost 11. I’m not telling you how old I am.
Most of the gift bags came from Frank, who seriously outdid himself this year!

Thanks to my friends, my birthday this year seemed to go on for about two weeks…!

The Asian experience: lunch at Saigon Suzy with Louise
I would go to Saigon Suzy any day just for the beautiful murals! But it helps that the food is awesome, too.

Louise introduced me to Saigon Suzy – what a treat!

Cocktails with Tracy and Clarissa and Suki (who is not reflected here)

Tracy, Clarissa and Sue-Ann decided to go with cocktails and of course photography moments..

Friends since SABC radio news days!

When Suki and I go to Tracy and Clarissa’s home, everyone gets to play with the retro Polaroid camera. Nobody ever knows if the photo will actually come out, and the anticipation is out of this world. The Burrows ladies tell us it’s art… I am not so sure this description can always be applied! But it’s huge fun.

The anticipation is out of this world – and technology moves us retrograde…

And finally – the joint annual birthday celebration with Anne, Mel and me. This year it was in Melville, at Love Me So, for cocktails and ramen noodles. Delicious on all counts!

Happy birthday (slightly in advance) to Anne!
Happy birthday (slightly after the event) to Mel!
Happy birthday (again) to me, and *could* my cocktail be any more blue?!!
Happy birthday to us all!

And so ended a really wonderful extended birthday.

June: goodbye, darling Sasha

I do need to add in here, for the records, that sadly our darling Sasha finally left us, five days after my birthday, on 26 June 2018. She was with us for almost 12 years and we loved her dearly. She was truly a gem – don’t let anyone ever tell you that Dobermanns are not family dogs: in my opinion, it is an outrageous slur!

I was fortunate to enjoy the experience of having a Dobermann in our family when I was a child growing up myself, and then to have the joy of Sasha with us when Liam and Matthew were small, only reinforces my opinion that Dobermanns are wonderful dogs: intelligent and caring at the same time, as well as good-mannered! Her final departure, after a year of bravely fighting cancer in her right back leg, was peaceful and at the right time. We loved her so very much.

The day before. You can see it in her eyes as she lies on her cushion just a few metres away from my office space inside. My beloved girlie…
The cushion was empty now and our hearts were very sad. We shed many tears. She was a wonderful girl and a family guardian to the core.

When the children were little, Sasha thought of them as being her puppies too – she adored the babies, and together we shared them. Not once was she ever anything other than gentle and kind with the children.

We miss you, Dobie Darling, so much, but we imagine you now running again like the wind, up where all the good dogs go (and seriously, is there ever an innately bad dog?). I also imagine you playing again with Frodo, and getting love and head scratches from my dad.

Sasha and Baby Liam
Sasha and Baby Matthew


July was… cold.

July in Johannesburg is always cold.

Here are some quick snap-shots from what I always believe is our coldest month.

Working at home does not come with air conditioning!
A rare glimpse of my 13-year-old sleeping, looking a lot younger than normal, and entirely angelic
When you wake up one morning as it’s finally July school holidays… and discover your boys at the end of your bed, having coloured their hair…
Matthew in particular really enjoyed having blue hair!


During August, at least the weather was starting to warm up a bit.

Here are Liam and Matthew at their then-favourite restaurant, the Ocean Basket

And now for a little tale of a science project: I came home one day to find my hairdryer smashed to smithereens. It turned out that the boys, big and small, were after the hairdryer’s motor for a science project. Aha!

My hair dryer. In bits. Smashed into bits. Ergo, an ex-hairdryer…
The culprits who smashed my hairdryer
The culprits with an interested small accomplice

They did a great job, and Liam got a really good mark on the final project – ‘From hair with flair’ – for transforming kinetic energy into electricity. I helped with the creation of the presentation booklet, and we recycled the painting from a previous school project…. just to be ironic.

If you look carefully, you can also spot the remains of a coffee bodum. This item was at least already previously deceased before it was recycled…

Some time in August, Matthew was turning 11 (on 27 August), which was about to put our small one firmly in the tweens age! While he is known for having a personal art bag filled with pens, pencils, paper and other arty ‘stuff’, he took to the laptop to design his forthcoming birthday event invitation.

Matthew created his own birthday invitations

In the meantime, on the same day, Liam, who is normally king of the computer, had decided that he *could* tackle painting after all. (But when in doubt, do consult YouTube!)  … And so this is him designing a new cover for his notebook. It was a peaceful, pleasant, slightly topsy-turvy morning. 

Matthew’s birthday – 27 August

Matthew’s 11th birthday was on a Monday so we went out for cake the day before, and off to Bounce the next weekend with Liam and a few friends. Sadly we didn’t take any photos at Bounce – our bad – but here are a few pics of the cake and presents moments.

Matthew likes chocolate cake
Liam likes lemon meringue pie
Cake for everyone!
Coffee and cake – two of life’s great joys
Something is amusing Liam – is there cake on my face?
Dad is still growing his hair
Skull candy + video games + Ferraris = Matthew’s passion!
Liam also gave the skull candy his seal of approval

September: Frank’s birthday month

Unfortunately some of the photos here are very soft-focus, but Frank was especially touched by the gifts from his two boys, who each gave him a painting that they had created themselves.


From Liam
Liam’s painting – new worlds and galaxies
From Matthew
Matthew’s painting: “Just like Batman and Spider-Man you are my hero!”
Big and Small
Love you, Dad…
Peaceful and content…

Some more snapshots from September:

Here we see signage that represents a public service announcement in our house, meaning that the bathroom was currently occupied… by a gigantic rain spider that nobody wanted to disturb. As usual, it was left to Dad to carry out his humane catch-and-release policy.

Public service announcement
“If tea can’t fix it; it is a serious problem.”

This is one of my personal mantras for life, together with: “In the morning, tea is my petrol. I can’t get started without it.”

October – First holy communion

On the 28th of October 2018, Liam and Matthew celebrated their first communion together.

Since then, they’ve become experienced altar servers, and are on first-name terms with our parish priest, who is one of the nicest and most down-to-earth men of the cloth you could hope to meet.

My mom, together with their catechism teachers, was especially instrumental in getting them to this important point.

On the 28th of October 2015, three years before this date in 2018, my beloved dad – father to my sister Lorna and myself, and husband of nearly 50 years to my mother, Linda – had passed away after his battle with motor neuron disease. I think this was truly the saddest day of my life.

So I post these photos here now, because I am happy that we have another family occasion to mark on this date every year that adds a happy memory onto the sad one.

Liam’s middle name is ‘Ralph’, after my late dad, and it so happened that this is how his catechism teacher organised the candle – to include his middle name on it as well as his first name. It made for a lovely and unexpected moment on the day itself, particularly because of the sad anniversary.

Matthew. on the other hand, has two middle names – he is Matthew Ian Daniel, after some very special men in my life and Frank’s: the late Ian Gillies, founder and owner of Giles Restaurant in Johannesburg, as well as the late Dr Ion Williams, the founder and owner of Vogelgat Nature Reserve in Hermanus, as well as my late Great Uncle Danny (Daniel Parry Jones), entrepreneur and businessman, and World War II naval survivor.
So there wasn’t really room on the candle for Matthew’s middle names.

The candles are very special to me and have an important place in our home.

At first Liam and Matthew were immensely pleased with their new, grown-up grey trousers. And then they got itchy!

Here they are back at home with my mom, now in more comfortable clothes, and everyone can relax again.


In early November, we took the children to the rides at Gold Reef City for the first time. What a great day! Here are just a few snapshots.

Gold Reef City

Waiting for the Anaconda – mom and Liam went on the ride
Dad and Matthew said NO! to the Anaconda…!
The log ride was fun though!
So much fun!

Work hard, party hard

November was also party time on the work front. Nicky and I put on our glad-rags and attended a wonderful party in Pretoria hosted by a client.

Here you can see us before we went through, with our normal going-out makeup on…

Normal makeup…

…and here we are with slightly less normal makeup on, afterwards.

Really impressive technique and artistry from our chosen face painter

We could choose from about five face painters there at the event; we really got lucky with how talented and enthusiastic our lady was.

Here is my dolphin mask in more detail

I just loved what the face painter did! It is quite a strange feeling to have your face turned into the canvas.

An Owl Story

And also in November, we met the owls…

We saw these actual little owls at an owl talk at Delta Park Environmental Centre on 17 November. They are so small and beautiful. Matthew, our family owl enthusiast, was in love, and Liam not far behind!

All the other children in the audience were also in their element. The owls were not at all stressed, and very well looked after. It was a real treat to attend! The educational and entertainment values were phenomenal. It was a really worthwhile evening.

So pretty! So completely un-stressed
Here is Matthew from behind. You can see how small the owls are, and how all the children are completely enraptured!

December: farewell primary school and hello again to Christmas

After seven years, which went by unbelievably quickly, Liam finished Grade 7 and said goodbye to primary school in December 2018. When we included the four years that he’d also spent prior to Grade 1 in nursery school, it seemed like even more of a milestone. I suppose it was bittersweet, as these moments always are: he had arrived as a very young child, and was now leaving, having entered his early teens. From not-quite baby to young man, it was a significant time frame.

The school hall was beautifully decorated for the graduation ceremony

I will never forget my mind’s eye view of little Liam (in January 2012) aged seven, going off onto the primary school playground in his brand-new school uniform for the first time, as I watched forlornly from the sidelines and wiped away a surreptitious tear.  

I think it is fair to say that he had some difficult moments during his primary school years, as well as some corresponding highlights, and that he finished with his head held high. Looking back, I can only shake my head with a rueful smile and say that – in his mother’s opinion – Liam did not like studying much in a formal manner during primary school! This scenario was not improved when he seemed to find out early on that he had enough brain cells stuffed inside his skull cavity to ‘coast’ very well!

Nonetheless, we are very proud of his academic achievements overall, as well as his spirited moments on the cricket, hockey and football fields as a team player throughout these early years.

Liam also had some notable moments of excellence – and one particular triumph, in Grade 6 – with his dramatic performances in the annual National Eisteddfod, after which he was invited to repeat this same Eisteddfod speech on national television. (The speech, a very moving one, was about Steve Biko, one of South Africa’s heroes and martyrs in the years before we had a democratic South Africa.)

In addition to his strong performance, as measured by his certificates record, Liam also won the overall prize for Computers in Grade 5, and achieved an outstanding result for an outside exam in English that same year. My oldest son likes to hide his light under a bushel sometimes…

As 2018 ended, we were very grateful to his primary school for its unfailingly kind and caring teachers and support staff – with their strong work and fun ethics, and emphasis on academic excellence – while also being excited about his entry into high school the following year.

Our good-looking eldest son is becoming a young man

And so onto Christmas 2018…

First we put up the tree, which we usually do around about the 16th of December. It’s always a day I really enjoy.

This year, Liam and Matthew had really wanted some beanbags for their den – which I call the Man Cave – in our cottage. I struggled to find some, I must confess, and then found some being sold at the side of the road on my way back from a client meeting, one day in early December.

They were affordable and the colours were great for our boys – one blue and one black – so a deal was struck then and there, and I was able to drive home from one of my last meetings of the working year with the two gifts for Liam and Matthew that I had most wanted to find.

However, buying them was one thing but getting them into my little car was another task entirely – in comparison to my Panda, they suddenly looked absolutely enormous! I honestly don’t how the vendor got them into the back of my car, but he was grimly determined to make the sale!

They sat in the back of the Panda looking like strange alien life forms and taking up the entire back seat, so I instantly christened them Tweedledum and Tweedledee. They were so gigantic I couldn’t see out of my rearview mirror and had to use my wing mirrors during the drive home (quite disconcerting). When it was Frank’s turn to get them out on the other side of the journey, it was difficult! There was a lot of nervous laughter, mostly from me.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee were a bit squashed in the back seat, but their driver was pleasant and law-abiding.

Stealth and subterfuge was required, and so Tweedledum and Tweedledee were in hiding for a while,
before they supervised the wrapping of the other presents.
At last the Tweedles…
…met their new owners…
…and all was peaceful and happy while the other gifts were introduced.
The den was made complete by the cool new stuff…
…but the Tweedles are still the coolest of all.

How *did* they ever fit into my Panda?!!

Christmas is incomplete until we see my mom… and Rocky… and of course we raised a glass to my dad.

Squish on the couch!

Rocky was very happy because he got to play the Christmas version of his favourite game, Squish On The Couch. In our family, we like to point out that Rocky likes to smile, and laugh, as you can see here.

And so we moved towards the end of 2018 and closed off a busy year.

Next up: Grade 8 and high school for Liam, and Grade 6 for Matthew.  

To be continued… 2019 beckons.

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